WILS List-serv update
After four or five bland unsubscribe requests were unwittingly sent to the listserv instead of to the dude specified in the original as the one to contact to unsubscribe, a Wisconsin alum confirms that, like every other year/organization combo, WILS will suck this year:
Please unsubscribe me too please. I graduated 15 years ago. Thanks.
So basically people have been sending their unsubscribe requests to an unspecified number of UWLS alums dating back at least 15 years. List-serv spam: The anti-networking.
Please unsubscribe me too please. I graduated 15 years ago. Thanks.
So basically people have been sending their unsubscribe requests to an unspecified number of UWLS alums dating back at least 15 years. List-serv spam: The anti-networking.
Worth checking out from Youtube: Vince Carter dunks over a 7' French dude, and you can see the nuts in the face.
The Wisconsin International Law Society rang in the new school year with an intellectual bang today by sending out their welcoming email to their unsuspecting membership:
Greetings WILS members:
As the new President of WILS, let me be one of the first of many to welcome you to the 2007-2008 school year. As summer begins to wind down, it's a good time to reflect on the previous year and to look forward to what we hope will be an even better one.
Unfortunately, based on the subsequent replies to the listserv, I'm not convinced that this group will be any better than the last:
From View message header detail yyyyyyyy@xxxxx.com
Sent Thursday, August 23, 2007 10:32 am
To wils@law.wisc.edu
Subject Re: [wils] WILS, 2007-2008
UNSUBSCRIBE! Just kidding. Sophy. Come home.
Maybe this was unintentional, and the unnamed person (who I do not know at all) thought his/her jesting self-exclusion was something to rofl about. I'm hoping for the opposite.
WILS' VP of Internal Affairs, who we'll call Sargent Slaughter, admitted to everyone that no one really wants to be on this listserv in the first place, ironically, in an unintended email that's the whole reason people want out:
From View message header detail S. Slaughter
Sent Thursday, August 23, 2007 11:35 am
To wils@law.wisc.edu
Subject Re: [wils] WILS, 2007-2008
Dude I'm getting so many emails asking me to remove them from the list-serve. So far I've been forwarding them to you, but I'll gladly delete them. Do you know how? I'm taking Evidence, Con Law, Intl. Law, secured transactions and bus orgs.
I think Sarge should change his title to simply the VP of Affairs, because the internal part seems a little tongue-in-cheek by now. Plus, he's taking business organizations at Wisconsin despite the recent departure of Gordon Smith, an unfortunate set of affairs for our hero.
Greetings WILS members:
As the new President of WILS, let me be one of the first of many to welcome you to the 2007-2008 school year. As summer begins to wind down, it's a good time to reflect on the previous year and to look forward to what we hope will be an even better one.
Unfortunately, based on the subsequent replies to the listserv, I'm not convinced that this group will be any better than the last:
From View message header detail yyyyyyyy@xxxxx.com
Sent Thursday, August 23, 2007 10:32 am
To wils@law.wisc.edu
Subject Re: [wils] WILS, 2007-2008
UNSUBSCRIBE! Just kidding. Sophy. Come home.
Maybe this was unintentional, and the unnamed person (who I do not know at all) thought his/her jesting self-exclusion was something to rofl about. I'm hoping for the opposite.
WILS' VP of Internal Affairs, who we'll call Sargent Slaughter, admitted to everyone that no one really wants to be on this listserv in the first place, ironically, in an unintended email that's the whole reason people want out:
From View message header detail S. Slaughter
Sent Thursday, August 23, 2007 11:35 am
To wils@law.wisc.edu
Subject Re: [wils] WILS, 2007-2008
Dude I'm getting so many emails asking me to remove them from the list-serve. So far I've been forwarding them to you, but I'll gladly delete them. Do you know how? I'm taking Evidence, Con Law, Intl. Law, secured transactions and bus orgs.
I think Sarge should change his title to simply the VP of Affairs, because the internal part seems a little tongue-in-cheek by now. Plus, he's taking business organizations at Wisconsin despite the recent departure of Gordon Smith, an unfortunate set of affairs for our hero.
The Gene Pool Chlorine Award of the Week Goes to
three Houston teens who tried to get through the railroad crossing before the train came through. Now, even the JP has skirted dangerously close to running red lights. It happens. Part of driving. When we're talking about literal freight trains though, something one would call an NFL middle linebacker to imply that he's tougher than just calling him an NFL middle linebacker, you can't be too careful.
Witnesses told detectives that the driver went to extreme measures to try to beat the train.
"According to witnesses, as well as the engineer on the train, the driver of the vehicle disregarded the railroad warnings and went through the railroad arms," Coleman said.
The train hit the passenger side of the car and pushed it about 2,000 feet down the tracks before the car caught fire.
Don't worry though: The train was just fine.
The 66 passengers on board the train had no idea what had happened.
"None of them saw anything, heard anything or felt anything," Coleman said.
None of the passengers or crew on board the train was injured.
Witnesses told detectives that the driver went to extreme measures to try to beat the train.
"According to witnesses, as well as the engineer on the train, the driver of the vehicle disregarded the railroad warnings and went through the railroad arms," Coleman said.
The train hit the passenger side of the car and pushed it about 2,000 feet down the tracks before the car caught fire.
Don't worry though: The train was just fine.
The 66 passengers on board the train had no idea what had happened.
"None of them saw anything, heard anything or felt anything," Coleman said.
None of the passengers or crew on board the train was injured.
White Girl Allowed to Educate in Monona!
In a stunning turn of events, a transfer of a white kindergartener that had been previously denied has been approved.
Madison resident Allison Cizek, 5, earlier denied permission to transfer to another school district because she is white, will be allowed to leave under an offer extended late Wednesday by state officials.
As the article briefly mentions, this is not at all a surprising result given our decisions to strike down racially-based districting decisions in Louisville and Seattle this summer (although if Ant tells me one more time that he's the one upholding Brown I'm gonna stick an Italian Sausage where the sun don't shine).
While the JP is a little skeptical about housing diversity stifling educational diversity, this is one case where the child's family's claim makes some sense:
Allison, a shy girl who was never told she was at the center of a legal dispute, now will be allowed to enter kindergarten where she 'd planned to go all along -- Monona Grove, where her mother is an elementary teacher. There 'll now be no need to pay for after-school day care for Allison.
Madison resident Allison Cizek, 5, earlier denied permission to transfer to another school district because she is white, will be allowed to leave under an offer extended late Wednesday by state officials.
As the article briefly mentions, this is not at all a surprising result given our decisions to strike down racially-based districting decisions in Louisville and Seattle this summer (although if Ant tells me one more time that he's the one upholding Brown I'm gonna stick an Italian Sausage where the sun don't shine).
While the JP is a little skeptical about housing diversity stifling educational diversity, this is one case where the child's family's claim makes some sense:
Allison, a shy girl who was never told she was at the center of a legal dispute, now will be allowed to enter kindergarten where she 'd planned to go all along -- Monona Grove, where her mother is an elementary teacher. There 'll now be no need to pay for after-school day care for Allison.
Fairly Silly
Someone over at Fair Wisconsin needs to proofread their mass emails for humanity before they get sent out to enough people that even the JP, already fair and balanced as a freshly-carved gavel, found himself on the recipient list. I'm not even nitpicking about grammar:
Fair Wisconsin Announces Its Fairness Agenda
Did Dr. Seuss write that?
Fair Wisconsin Announces Its Fairness Agenda
Did Dr. Seuss write that?
"Sorry Officer, I Lost Track of My Speed"
is one way to respond when pulled over for a traffic violation. Jason Dale, convicted meth user, distributor and conspirator, has a different strat:
While participating in the conspiracy, Mr. Dale exhibited violent behavior. He threatened a number of people with violence to avoid prosecution and had threatened and beaten a former girlfriend whom he suspected of cooperating with law enforcement. Additionally, following an arrest for driving under the influence, Mr. Dale had threatened to kill the arresting officer and to rape the officer’s daughter.
Like how Frank Lasee will never prevail in court in Wisconsin because he's such a dbag, I'd say Mr. Dale should move to a state where the entire law enforcement system doesn't hate him.
While participating in the conspiracy, Mr. Dale exhibited violent behavior. He threatened a number of people with violence to avoid prosecution and had threatened and beaten a former girlfriend whom he suspected of cooperating with law enforcement. Additionally, following an arrest for driving under the influence, Mr. Dale had threatened to kill the arresting officer and to rape the officer’s daughter.
Like how Frank Lasee will never prevail in court in Wisconsin because he's such a dbag, I'd say Mr. Dale should move to a state where the entire law enforcement system doesn't hate him.
Wrong Ride
From United States v. Morris:
On August 15, 2003, Tramayne Peterson was looking for a ride to the mall, when Morris, his cousin, pulled up in a white van. Peterson hopped in. A few blocks later, the men drove past Officer George Valdez, Jr., of the East Chicago police force. Officer Valdez recognized Morris, having seen his picture during that day’s squad briefing. Knowing there was an active bench warrant for Morris’s arrest, Valdez pulled the van over.
According to Peterson’s testimony, he had just finished “rolling marijuana” when Officer Valdez pulled behind the van. As Morris stopped the van, he handed Peterson a grey plastic bag and said, “Take this and run.” Peterson did and Officer Cima DeVilla gave chase. Although Peterson claimed not to know what was in the bag when his cousin handed it to him, as Peterson ran and jumped a fence, “stuff”—beginning with “a white substance” that he “figured . . . to be cocaine”—began to fall out of the bag. Peterson continued to run as a .45 caliber pistol, baggies of marijuana and cocaine, and an electronic scale all tumbled out behind him. Eventually Peterson dropped the bag. After vaulting over a few more fences, he was apprehended by a third officer, Anton West. Meanwhile, Officer Valdez arrested Morris without incident. No additional drugs, firearms, or other contraband was found on Morris’s person or in the van.
I imagine this dude having clown pockets that contraband interminably departs while the cops are on his tail. Too bad he wasn't going to the mall to get his kitchen sink fixed.
On August 15, 2003, Tramayne Peterson was looking for a ride to the mall, when Morris, his cousin, pulled up in a white van. Peterson hopped in. A few blocks later, the men drove past Officer George Valdez, Jr., of the East Chicago police force. Officer Valdez recognized Morris, having seen his picture during that day’s squad briefing. Knowing there was an active bench warrant for Morris’s arrest, Valdez pulled the van over.
According to Peterson’s testimony, he had just finished “rolling marijuana” when Officer Valdez pulled behind the van. As Morris stopped the van, he handed Peterson a grey plastic bag and said, “Take this and run.” Peterson did and Officer Cima DeVilla gave chase. Although Peterson claimed not to know what was in the bag when his cousin handed it to him, as Peterson ran and jumped a fence, “stuff”—beginning with “a white substance” that he “figured . . . to be cocaine”—began to fall out of the bag. Peterson continued to run as a .45 caliber pistol, baggies of marijuana and cocaine, and an electronic scale all tumbled out behind him. Eventually Peterson dropped the bag. After vaulting over a few more fences, he was apprehended by a third officer, Anton West. Meanwhile, Officer Valdez arrested Morris without incident. No additional drugs, firearms, or other contraband was found on Morris’s person or in the van.
I imagine this dude having clown pockets that contraband interminably departs while the cops are on his tail. Too bad he wasn't going to the mall to get his kitchen sink fixed.
Wikipedia Wiki-Spotlight: Bias!
Wikipedia is probably the most biased website on the internet. In fact, your libertarian hackjob asshats over at Conservapedia have compiled an ever-growing list of examples of Wikipedia's unencyclopedic entries.
Now the NYTimes is jumping on. Apparently corporations are spending time selectively editing Wikipedia entries for their own benefit. If this doesn't convince you that Conservapedia's the new it girl in the wiki circles, I don't know what will...
Conservapedia is a wiki-based web encyclopedia project with the stated purpose of creating an encyclopedia written from a socially and economically conservative viewpoint supportive of Conservative Christianity and Young Earth creationism. Andrew Schlafly, the site's creator and son of noted conservative Phyllis Schlafly, stated he founded the project because he felt Wikipedia had a liberal, anti-Christian, and anti-American bias.
It's the only unbiased news source left, because not even corporations care enough to edit the bullshit they spew.
Now the NYTimes is jumping on. Apparently corporations are spending time selectively editing Wikipedia entries for their own benefit. If this doesn't convince you that Conservapedia's the new it girl in the wiki circles, I don't know what will...
Conservapedia is a wiki-based web encyclopedia project with the stated purpose of creating an encyclopedia written from a socially and economically conservative viewpoint supportive of Conservative Christianity and Young Earth creationism. Andrew Schlafly, the site's creator and son of noted conservative Phyllis Schlafly, stated he founded the project because he felt Wikipedia had a liberal, anti-Christian, and anti-American bias.
It's the only unbiased news source left, because not even corporations care enough to edit the bullshit they spew.
The Gene Pool Chlorine Award of the Week Goes to...
the dude whose body was found in the bear cage half-eaten after the beer festival. In his defense, beer and bear are only off by one letter: Could our half-digested hero have merely been looking for the beer cage?
Rattlesnake Fighting
Would Michael Vick have had any legal problems if he were involved in a rattlesnake fighting organization? Bad Newz Snake Holes?
Over in Colorado, some successful gamblers plotted to kill the gambling operator who owed them money. It's hard to tell exactly what went down from the news story though, because it's so awfully written:
Christopher Steelman, 34, and Herbert Beck, 56, are accused of planning out the scheme to collect on a gambling debt. CBI agents said the alleged victim is the owner of Amateur Poker Tour in WheatRidge. Investigators seized documents and records from the business earlier this year. They say the men are involved in an illegal poker operation.
WheatRidge? Anyways, they don't talk about the dudes' plans with the rattlesnake. It does sound quite a bit like the Sherlock Holmes short story The Adventure of the Speckled Band, in which a step-father kills his step-daughters as they're about to get married to avoid paying dowry by secreting a swamp adder into their rooms. Another idea would be to piss the rattlesnake off and launch it into a bedroom or family room or something. Maybe murder by rattlesnake will make a comeback.
Over in Colorado, some successful gamblers plotted to kill the gambling operator who owed them money. It's hard to tell exactly what went down from the news story though, because it's so awfully written:
Christopher Steelman, 34, and Herbert Beck, 56, are accused of planning out the scheme to collect on a gambling debt. CBI agents said the alleged victim is the owner of Amateur Poker Tour in WheatRidge. Investigators seized documents and records from the business earlier this year. They say the men are involved in an illegal poker operation.
WheatRidge? Anyways, they don't talk about the dudes' plans with the rattlesnake. It does sound quite a bit like the Sherlock Holmes short story The Adventure of the Speckled Band, in which a step-father kills his step-daughters as they're about to get married to avoid paying dowry by secreting a swamp adder into their rooms. Another idea would be to piss the rattlesnake off and launch it into a bedroom or family room or something. Maybe murder by rattlesnake will make a comeback.
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