I was chillaxing last night with AKen and Cap'n Statute on the back porch. They're both on the John Paul Stevens Law School International Law Journal: AKen is in the management and Cap'n Statute, bless his green-speedo'ed heart, contributes sweat equity.
Cap'n ran into a problem: The article he was assigned to cite check contained a citation to a 15th century Islamic prophetic text of some sort by a guy named So-and-so "the Grandson". Mr. Statute was able to track it down, like any good plebe, but he encountered a problem: The JPSLSILJ requires cite checkers to get the title pages of ancient religious texts to demonstrate that the cite is correct or something. This book had no title page. In fact, according to the Cap'n, you open the cover and it's all full of Arabic text:
"I'm not even sure whether to read it left to right or right to left," complained Statute.
AKen, ubiquitously the expropriator, then asked if Captain looked for a translated version.
"Unless it's not on WorldCat, Google Books, or regular Google, it doesn't exist."
"Well, we'll just cite it like we'd cite the Bible or something," responds the ever-optimistic AKen.
"Oh no," interjects Cap'n, "I think it's much closer to the Talmud or other Islamic texts. We should do it like we would for them."
This is one legal problem I'm happy to say I've responded to by denying cert.