
Ian's Pizza makes a...

Reuben pizza, complete with corned beef, kraut, tons of cheese and thousand island dressing for sauce. If you haven't tried it (and, for extra credit, followed it up with a slice of the Mac & Cheese), you haven't been living.

We'll give you another chance. Ians.


Conservapedia Conserva-spotlight: They're at it again

Most people have probably heard about the school shooting in Cleveland today. What you didn't know is that there's an easy solution to this problem. From Conservapedia's main page:


Let's take a look back at the effect of bible-based morality on violence throughout history:

First, and perhaps most obviously, we have the Crusades. Or, to be more accurate, there were nine to thirteen Crusades (depending on who you ask) over about two centuries. The most notable shame harvest during this period was the Children's Crusade, where lots of children were sent to fight the Muslims. The influence of bible-based morality was obviously crucial in preventing deaths among our young people.

The Spanish Inquisition was another example of bible-based morality making life better for everyone. Basically, Christians executed and otherwise persecuted non-Christians. Love thy neighbor, so to speak. Or, if you can't love them, at least harvest their shame.

Finally, even though George W. Bush thinks he prays to the same God as the Muslims, he insists on killing lots of them.

Why Conservapedia thinks bible-based morality would end killing is beyond me. If they could find one war in the history of this world that wasn't influenced by some sort of religious disagreement, I'd be more impressed. It would be amazing if they'd stop championing murder because they feel like they can twist it to support their political agenda.

The Second Sign of the Apocalypse

Frank Lasee no longer allows anyone to comment on his blog. Dr. Nugz and I are sad, first and foremost, but we're also excited for the future. As we've been told since we were young, every ending is teeming with new beginnings, so we're branching out to other internet opportunities. Don't worry: We'll let you know.


I don't know how other people are talking...


The straw that broke the camel's back

In response to an IM conversation between myself and my esteemed colleague Dr. Nugz regarding what the hell Frank Lasee was saying, Frank said bye-bye, and for the first time, too. Could it be that the combination of Instant Messenger and lawyers was too much for our bone-headed hero to stomach? Did Blogger's formatting finally drive him to insanity? Is having a moniker like 'Dr. Nugz' regularly posting on his blog going to make Frank give up his legislature seat to JP and retire to a cabin in the woods like the unabomber? Could the state of Wisconsin be so lucky?

Find out next time, on Frank Lasee's a dbag!

UPDATE: Frank has subsequently deleted Dr. Nugz' comment, as well as the other guy's brilliant take on the situation. Smelling blood, I tried to post a few more comments this afternoon. No dice. Frank Lasee's blog now must approve my comments before it'll post them. Don't worry Bat-fans: Dr. Nugz and I found a way to defeat the Conservapedians using proxy IP addys (more on this, well, after we increase Conservapedia's global body of knowledge) and we'll find a way to make Frank look like a dbag despite his fascist commenting regime.

PPS: If Frank takes a minute to read all the proposed comments to his blog, isn't he doing it on taxpayer time, and thus receiving taxpayer money? His decision to monitor comments, then, is in direct violation of his Taxpayer Protection Pledge.


Conservapedia Conserva-spotlight: Wasting Money

Now that the Conservapedians have AKen, I'm getting a little more concerned about how they're absolute lunatics.

For example, today they feature a headline claiming that "'A polio outbreak in Nigeria was caused by the vaccine ..., leaving at least 69 children paralyzed.' It took the CDC a year to admit this. Our tax dollars at work."

In case you thought it was a rare moment of human interest on Conservapedia, I'm pretty sure the 'tax dollars at work' is directed at the one year delay in the CDC's admission. Why they aren't concerned about the, um, 69 children paralyzed (could it be that conservatives think only groups of, say, 68 or 70 children shouldn't be paralyzed, for reasons of obscenity in our media?) and how we could maybe not let them be paralyzed the next time, and instead put their energy into critiquing a child health effort when they support child bombing spending, is beyond me. Also, how a one year delay in reporting the problem costs us money is not obvious, unless you think they literally hired someone to sit on the issue.

Dr. Nugz did make fun of this first in the very same IM convo now famous for being cut-and-pasted onto Frank Lasee's blog, requiring him to spend a few hours trying to figure out blogger formatting in response.

Frank Lasee Spotlight: We'd make fun of what he's saying... if we knew

He's edited it since I posted my comment, but see if you can translate Frankese to English. Are you on Dr. Nugz' side, that it's Krauthammer talking about something JFK said, or are you like me and wondering how this guy is in the state legislature?