

While JP, Ant, Clarince T and AKen (who's currently being held captive by NAMBLA) enjoyed this blog quite a bit as bright-eyed, bushy-tailed 2Ls and even into 3L year a bit, I think I speak for all of us when I say that this blog's theme is too nice for anything we'd want to write about, well, anything these days.

So, while we're all making choices between spending 90 hours a week doing someone else's paperwork, spending 40 hours a week doing someone else's paperwork and living out of our cars, or trying to use our advocacy skills to get them to serve some better shit at the soup kitchen, I'm going to try to occasionally post over at Blawgering. This should both satiate my intense ego that needs to have people reading the inane cuckoldry that spouts out of my fingers and relieve those same fingers from the doldrums of Lawyering Skillz.

See, it's a win-win situation for me.


Perspective said...

This blog sucks. Just kidding. I kept forgetting it was out there, but I can't believe you would quit now. What else are you going to do this summer?

P.S. Thanks for the fodder for our blog!


Anonymous said...

hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....