
Conservapedia Conserva-spotlight: Wasting Money

Now that the Conservapedians have AKen, I'm getting a little more concerned about how they're absolute lunatics.

For example, today they feature a headline claiming that "'A polio outbreak in Nigeria was caused by the vaccine ..., leaving at least 69 children paralyzed.' It took the CDC a year to admit this. Our tax dollars at work."

In case you thought it was a rare moment of human interest on Conservapedia, I'm pretty sure the 'tax dollars at work' is directed at the one year delay in the CDC's admission. Why they aren't concerned about the, um, 69 children paralyzed (could it be that conservatives think only groups of, say, 68 or 70 children shouldn't be paralyzed, for reasons of obscenity in our media?) and how we could maybe not let them be paralyzed the next time, and instead put their energy into critiquing a child health effort when they support child bombing spending, is beyond me. Also, how a one year delay in reporting the problem costs us money is not obvious, unless you think they literally hired someone to sit on the issue.

Dr. Nugz did make fun of this first in the very same IM convo now famous for being cut-and-pasted onto Frank Lasee's blog, requiring him to spend a few hours trying to figure out blogger formatting in response.

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