
Conservapedia Conserva-spotlight: THEY HAVE AKEN!!!

Well, the Supreme Court resumed session today, and, well, eight of us came back to a sad state of affairs. I'm sure you regular Seriatim followers have noticed a dearth of posts coming from Mr. AKen since the end of the last term when this blog began. Well, we thought he was just enjoying a relaxing interterm at the beach with hookers like the rest of us (even RBG: She loves a good lap dance!)

Now we're back in our hallowed halls, but there's no sign of AKen. Again, nobody suspected a thing: He's late a lot, etc... But then we saw the ransom note:

"If yu evur want to cee AKen agan, yu bettr stop ze sekular progressif heje$$$$ from teaking ovur ze wurld. Seighened: Conservapedia."

Well fuck. So I turned to Clarince T and asked what he thought. In a moment of utter brillance, we decided to just play it cool like "Weekend at Bernies": If you're reading this article, please don't tell anyone, but the Conservapedians have AKen. We'll take care of it, just keep it down.

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