
4 out of 5 fans aren't megalomaniacs

From ESPN.com: 1 in 5 fans do things to improve their favorite team's luck. I think this is the same sort of self-delusion that motivates people to buy lottery tickets: For some reason, people want to think that what they do and how they act has some sort of cosmic effect. "It's my birthday, I'm going to buy a lottery ticket!" As if the fact that it's your birthday has some sort of effect on either the number of winning tickets put out.

We all want to think that someone's upstairs keeping tally of our virtues and vices and somehow relating them to the random things that happen in the world, and it's a little depressing to realize that no, there's no score, no one's upstairs, and what you see is what you get. Stop brushing with different toothbrushes depending on who your team is playing and start, well, living in reality.

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