
Conservapedia Conserva-spotlight: Rejoicing in Murder

Another campus shooting: A University of Memphis student was shot in his car around 10pm last night. Rumor has it he was a football player, although the University is waiting to release his name. They will say, though, that the incident "may have involved a current or former football player."

Over at Conservapedia, they sit in their little studio apartments on the internet 18 hours a day waiting for stuff like this to go down because they feel it supports their position that sitting in your apartment all day (with the occasional wide-stance fling in the airport) is the proper, moral way to live your life. I'm usually not this reductively nasty about the morons over there, but this headline pissed me off. From the Conservapedia main page:

"UNIVERSITY OF MEMPHIS LOCKED DOWN AFTER STUDENT ATHLETE REPORTEDLY IS SHOT DEAD OUTSIDE DORM More depravity on another of our college campuses! Secular-progressive movement claims another victim."

Yeah you fucking numbskulls, it's the "secular-progessive movement" that's pulling the triggers around here. Don't you have any shame about turning someone's murder, that nobody knows anything about yet, into knee-jerk advocation of your policy? Should Seriatim start the "this troop died *insert picture here* so we should obviously not be in Iraq" section? Have some respect for the sort of shock this thing entails, you fucking scumbags.

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