
New Adventures in Laseeland

As many of you know, Frank Lasee is no longer accepting comments from anyone. Notably, he isn't taking mine, or Dr. Nugz', any more either. Saddened, we sat around for a week or so figuring out how to communicate with our favorite mentally-handicapped Wisconsin representative.

Luckily, we've emerged from our mourning refreshed, like a Conservative when students are murdered at our universities, and started "You Lied from Bench!"

"You Lied from Bench" basically exemplifies why we all love Franky. While most mere mortals would be too stressed out to come up with something brilliant in between firing your divorce lawyer in open court and being held in contempt by the judge for insubordination, Frank was cool, calm and collected when push came to shove and expressed his dismay at the judge's lying shenanigans with remarkable clarity and brevity. Because this phrase really exemplifies the antifreeze in that man's blood, we've decided to escroq it as our new Frank Lasee strawman. Bon appetite!

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