
Marmaduke Explained

Marmaduke Explained is a Joe Mathlete creation. Joe Mathlete also puts out such quality blogs as Joe Mathlete Draws a Nipple on Ziggy's Nose, and Joe Mathlete Will Draw Anything You Ask Him to on an Index Card. Mr. Mathlete has clearly struck a vein in the gold mine of the internet universe and is one of our buddies (like Ticor) who we don't know, but we figure is pretty kick ass. I bet getting wasted with Joe Mathlete is a trip.

Some quality Marmaduke's explained:
The literary Marmaduke
The Oedipus Complex
Nuts in Sprinkler


ant said...

My favorites are from the Christmas series of 2006. Check it out.

Kimbersmith said...

i really like this one: