
And on the third day, God created the IRS

so lawyers would always have big paychecks. Have you ever tried to work with their site to get simple instructions on simple procedures? Since the Supreme Court is in recess and JP thrives off the fruits of justice, I'm clerking in a small office for the summer, and they asked me to look up a retirement account question. Not a question like "does space 66b in form 492 require you to take into account space 12 in form 5000?", just "how do you end one?" Is there a simple answer?

No. In fact, its been recommended to me several times to consult an attorney. After consulting myself extensively, I still have no answer, and the guy around the corner thinks I'm a total nutjob. JPS has never claimed to be an expert in matters taxable, but for crying out loud, would simple explanations useful for someone who slept through T&E be that hard to make? As soon as I get my clerks for OT 2007, I will take over the world *evil laughter, hands next to each other touching fingertips quickly consecutively*.

1 comment:

Kimbersmith said...

The IRS only causes TAX lawyers to have big paychecks. Those of us that simply reap the benefits of an outrageous legal salary are paying through the nose to the tax man.

Luckily, the obscence gross income makes the reduced net income far more bearable.