
Sturgeon surgeons

If you're ever boating around Florida's Suwannee River, watch out for the kamikaze sturgeon:

"Leaping sturgeon have injured three people on the Suwannee this year, including a woman on a Jet Ski and a girl whose leg was shattered when one of the giant fish jumped aboard her boat. Eight others were hit last year... 'You’ve got people sitting on the front of an open boat, and the boat is going 20, 30, 40 miles per hour. The fish jumps up and usually slaps these people right across their face and upper chest. Almost every one of them universally has been knocked unconscious.'"

Who wants to be the guy at the pearly gates telling St. Peter you died from taking a Gulf Sturgeon to the schnozz? WJD needs to get down to Florida pronto and get those insolent ass fish to read some battery statutes.

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