
The Surgeon General Mess

Basically, Bush's former surgeon general Richard Carmona says that he got a lot of orders from the White House. The NYTimes article contains a $$$ quote:
"And administration officials even discouraged him from attending the Special Olympics because, he said, of that charitable organization’s longtime ties to a “prominent family” that he refused to name.

“I was specifically told by a senior person, ‘Why would you want to help those people?’ ” Dr. Carmona said."

Why would you want to help the Special Olympics athletes (who don't like to be called Special Olympians)? I'm with Cartman here: "You guys, I can't believe they exploit handicapped people like this. I mean, making them compete against each other just for our amusement."

Olympics Registration Volunteer: Hello there.
Cartman's Mom: Hello. Um, I would like to sign my son up, please.
Cartman: (acting retarded) DUUUUUUH!
Olympics Registration Volunteer: Oh,great! What's his name?
Cartman's Mom: Eric...Cartman
Cartman: (acting retarded) CAAAARTMAN! DUUUUH!
Olympics Registration Volunteer: Okay, age?
Cartman's Mom: He's 9.
Olympics Registration Volunteer: Okay, and what's his disability?
Cartman's Mom: Um, he's retarded.
Olympics Registration Volunteer: No, I'm asking what specific condition he has. Downs Syndrome, celebral palsy?
Cartman's Mom: Oh, oh! Um, I'm not sure. Sweetie, what's your condition?
Cartman: (in his normal voice) How should I know? I'm retarded. (Acting retarded again) DUUUH!
Olympics Registration Volunteer: I'll just leave that blank for now.


ant said...

Hmm. Any chance that "those people" referred not to the Olympians, but the Kennedy fam?

JP said...

Captain Obvious to the rescue!

Wade Garrett said...

Cartman's training montage in that episode (set to "Take It To the Limit") is one of the all-time great South Park moments, ranking right with the Canadian Christmas episode, "Tom Cruise, come out of the closet, nobody will think any less of you," Cartman putting a kid's parents into a bowl of chili and serving it to him to eat, the "shit hits the fan episode," and Timmy's first appearance.

ant said...

Right right, we all know the unnamed family is the Kennedys (ies?), but "why would you want to help THOSE people" sounds like it could also mean the special olympians. Which is really the only way it's funny.