
Yummy Buffet

Lunch today was at Madison's fine Chinese dining establishment the Yummy Buffet with Senor Horseinator and Dr. Nugz. It's our third or fourth trip there, so we know what to expect: $6 for all the Chinese food we can scarf down. You have to leave room for the Chinese doughnuts, too, because those things are $$$.

There were some highlights: We observed a gay guy who was trapped in the 80's, all the way down to the mullet and teal polo shirt tucked into jean shorts; There was a woman about to give an interview in front of a camera who definitely had more of a radio face (Dr. Nugz pointed out that he never knew the camera could add ten pounds merely by standing next to it); We also saw three French people eating at the YB. I have a feeling their French/English dictionary probably did not help them pick a quality restaurant.

I'd write more but I've had the runs ever since I ate my first plate at the YB (I actually had to use the little boy's room before I left), so I'm gonna hunker down in the stall in the office for a while. That place is like WD-40 for my bowels. You guys keep it real.

1 comment:

Kimbersmith said...

mmmmm, love me some YB.

Especially the "crab" rangoon.

It is totally worth the aftermath.