It's that time of the year again, when the cool 1Ls want to demonstrate how with-it they are by becoming the leaders of their peers on the SBA board. It's a great trick on the part of the SBA to run these elections so early. Sometimes you hear 1Ls griping about how they don't even know anyone yet, so how could you cast an informed ballot? The JP has three very important reasons.
First, nobody gives two shits about whether you cast an informed ballot.
Second, the 2Ls and 3Ls on SBA are by now getting sick and tired of having to do the bitch work that should be doled out to the greenest board members.
Third, and this plays off point two, the 1Ls haven't realized that joining SBA is a kiss of death. Your primary responsibilities are doing lots of organizing and bitch work. By bitch work I don't even mean doc reviews or anything: I'm talking about carrying heavy objects to events, cleaning the lounge, and carrying Neil home when he gets too shitcanned.
Basically, the SBA elections are like oppositeland: If you win you lose, and if you lose you win. Tell that to the guy who posted his picture all around the law school in a BoSox cap trying to drum up the sympathy vote by running on the 'I have diabetes' platform. I have to admit, I don't know the kid at all, so it could be tongue in cheek, but, uh... someone should tell him that he seriously doesn't want to be on SBA. I have it from reputable sources.
I'm pretty sure the whole "I have diabetes" thing was meant to be a joke. He has that cute little puppy dog face on in the pic.
That being said, I heartily concur that being on the SBA surely sucks the big pineapple.
no sane person with common sense would actually want or campaign to be on SBA. best bet: write in your worst enemy.
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