Joe Mathlete is pissed off, and when Joe Mathlete feels pain, JP feels pain. Apparently some hackjob at the "Blog of Hilarity" (which I'm not linking to because I don't want to encourage anyone to make this dumbass feel better about himself by getting more web hits) has been explaining Marmaduke too, and it's ruffled Mr. Mathlete's duck feathers. Also, the Blog of Hilarity set itself a high bar for success, and, contrary to my strong parenthetical a few lines ago, you have to see how bad this shit is. This dickfor is a no-talent ass clown that needs to leave explaining Marmaduke to a professional like Joe Mathlete.
HONESTY DISCLAIMER: JP, enjoying his Marmaduke Explained quite a bit, has tried to think of ways to play off of that idea (I really wanted to do Peter Carstensen Explained, but I never have any clue what he's saying) and OSlice even tormented an asshole on our nerdy undergraduate message board with "*dbag's name* Explained" until dbag sent Slice an email begging him to stop. True story. However, explaining Marmaduke is for Joe Mathlete and Joe Mathlete alone. Is nothing sacred?
Here's the thing (and I feel compelled to defend myself because stealing material is something I would NEVER do): Why does everything always become so accusatory with blogs? I'm sorry I never heard of Joe Mathlete before, but launching blanket attacks about my site that aren't true are just ridiculous. I really couldn't care less if you sample the site and don't like it. But you know you didn't and you're trashing our work because some dude you idolize said you should.
I'm not going to kill your site for sucking because I haven't read it. Just like you haven't read mine. You say Joe extended you the courtesy of asking you to stop. Maybe you should do some research of your own.
Also, the thought that your small blog would send me traffic is really dumb. I only got this from a Google Alert. Try using just a little bit of honesty and logic.
Mr. BOHChris,
I don't really feel compelled to defend myself, but, as someone who enjoys writing stupid things on the internets, it's kind of up my alley.
I think accusatory things are generally funny, to answer your first question. Whether or not you've heard of Joe Mathlete, you basically started doing the exact same thing he's actually become quite well-known for. And, to make it more egregious, you really did a particularly bad job at it. I did actually read it and form my own opinion that it sucked, contrary to your specious' follow-the-leader and sample-my-site points.
Joe extended me no courtesies. I don't know Joe, but I was a mathlete in high school, and I think Marmaduke Explained is both brilliant in idea and execution. Perhaps you should reread what I said.
As far as honesty and logic go, I suggest you try someplace else. Here, we do things such as calling people like you whhhhaaammmmmmmbuuulllannnnccceeesssssss. Waahhhhhhhh.
I think this calls for a "BOHChris Explained!!" blog.
jp, the whambulance totally needs to be a hyperlink. i mean, come on.
i don't get blogger html, or i'd do it myself.
Unfortunately aken, until Blogger makes it into the 21st century, one can't link to things in comments. I tried linking my Frank Lasee comments to a picture of a douchebag but was repeatedly foiled. Luckily his mug is prominently featured on the site itself.
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