
Frank Lasee's Tax Poem

Frank Lasee posted a retarded poem about taxes on Monday, and it's really been bothering me. Normally, there's an obvious tack to insult Frank's idiocy that I can spin into a cohesive commentary on why he's such a delta bravo. Go ahead and just glance at the poem. ... Where do I start?

Dr. Nugz thinks the rant should be about how he's spending his time reading and posting chain emails instead of doing anything legislatively productive. My first inclination was to comment on how Frank managed to exhaust his entire vocabulary in one short moronic ditty. There's also the fact that he opened it with "This poem is floating around the internet. At first I thought this was funny...then I realized the awful truth of it." I think that's a bald-faced lie: Frank thought it was funny because of what he sees as the awful truth of it. To venture into the short-bus actual content: "Put these words upon his tomb, 'Taxes drove me to my doom...'" But Frank, aren't the people who might actually die as a result of not having enough money the people that the tax dollars are helping?

What an incoherent ramble I just had to write, Frank, and I blame it on you: If you're going to be a douchebag in like a thousand different ways in one post, I'm not going to be able to spin it in a way that coherently demonstrates the crux of the douchebaggery. Hating on Frank Lasee, paradoxically, gets harder as he gets stupider.

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