Trying, as ever, to be a helpful Conservapedian, the great JP made a few additions to Conservapedia's list of bodily organs to cure some obvious omissions. 'Penis' and 'vagina' aren't on there, and if anything's a bodily organ, they are.
So I added them, under the cleverly-devised guise of OverturnRoeWade.
What did I get for my labors? A ban from some pissant nutjob sysop, accusing me of vulgarity. Fortunately for that dbag, class was ending right as he banned me, so I didn't have any time to IM him (Dr. H.J. Nugz has obtained said sysop's AIM handle) and ask him if he really thinks the words penis and vagina are vulgar. How can God directly create something vulgar? I just don't get it.
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