
Down with Liberal Bias!

Thanks be to the JP for turning me on to the modern marvel that is Conservapedia. While he takes issue with many of their tactics, I wish to applaud them for their totally fair and balanced account of the difficulties I experienced during my confirmation to the Supreme Court. From the Conservapedia page entitled, appropriately enough, "Clarence Thomas":

Radical leftists attempted to block Thomas' nomination to the High Court through a persistent series of public guilt by association smears. Chip Berlet of Political Research Associates noted that Thomas was on the editorial board of the Lincoln Review, a quarterly black conservative publication of the Lincoln Institute. Berlet issued a rather dubious ad hominem attack which claimed "it is a far right group that has worked in coalition with… fascist and anti-Semitic groups," and goes on to “link” Lincoln Institute head J. A. Baker with the Indiana Ku Klux Klan by virtue that Baker is on the board of the Council for National Policy and another board member is supposedly a former Klan member. [10]

In a flagrant violation of the rules of the Senate [11], staff members [12] for a sitting Democratic member of the Judiciary Committee leaked a routine confidential FBI background report to Nina Totenberg of National Public Radio (NPR) [13] which contained a vicious defamatory smear intended to mar Thomas for life. The accusation was known to be false, and was concocted to publicly intimidate an African-American Republican from accepting an appointment to the nations High Court, and derail his nomination. None of the allegations could be substantiated. The deliberate falsehoods did however persuade former Ku Klux Klan Democratic Senator Robert Byrd to change his vote from "yes" for confirmation to "no".

It is so refreshing to see such clear, unbiased, and non-inflammatory reporting, so far removed from the blatant agenda-pushing generally found on Wikipedia. Bravo, Young Earth Creationists, bravo.

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