Or don't. CNN is gender biased, as usual, reporting that 1/3 of men fail to wash their hands after using the little boy's room, while only 12% of women don't hand bathe.
Can I just say, why are 2/3 of men washing their hands after they use the bathroom? If you're using the urinal, you only touch one thing: Your own dong. Unless you splatter all over yourself, which should only happen maybe one time in 10 (in which case, 10% of men are washing their hands), what are you washing off? The germs transferred from your zipper to your fingers? Is your johnson really that much more dirty than the rest of your body that, although you touch your face, arms, legs, torso, feet, etc... on a regular basis without washing, as soon as one iota of hand touches a little bit (or a lot bit, if you're well-endowed like Cap'nStatute and I) of peepee, you have to go running for the faucet? Maybe the next time I see a dude take a piddle and walk to the faucet, I'll rub my recently-used-for-urinating hands all over his face.
if i was actually going to wash my hands, i'd do it before i went. avoiding transferring bad stuff to my junk is my prerogative.
the real finding in this study is that when men are asked that question, 2/3 of them lie.
I always wash my hands. Everything about this post is disgusting.
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