
Another Day in Yummy

Oberlizzle, Dr. Nugz and I patronized Yummy Buffet for lunch today, and oh boy were we satisfied by both the breadth and the depth of food from Yummy.

Many people think the Yummy Buffet's adjectival reference is to the American "yummy", meaning "delicious," or "mmmmmmmmm". This is another example of our ignorance of our Asian neighbors. Actually, Yummy is a region of China northeast of Beijing, and the YB specializes in delicacies native to the people of Yummy.

The Chinese Doughnuts coming out of Yummy are particularly amazing when fresh: JP was lucky enough to snag two of them fresh out of the fryer today.


CCO said...

You couldn't take your eyes off that empty Chinese Doughnut steampan. The look on your face as the cook made it rain glucose all over them when they eventually came out - priceless.

Sorry JP, I, Oberlizzle?? - you can do better than that - wasn't really feeling the YB. Maybe it was the soda that lacked carbonation, or the stale, cardboard fortune cookies, or the pineapple chunks pocked with holes like swiss cheese... who knows. I guess there's a reason it's 6 bucks. And it didn't even make me crap my brains out... yet.

Wade Garrett said...

I've actually been to a town that's right under the word "Yummy" on that map.