[In Scientology], [t]here are many holidays, commemorations and observances in the Church, notably L. Ron Hubbard's birthday in March; the Anniversary of the first publication of Dianetics in May; and a holiday honoring all auditors, called Auditor's Day, in September.
Who wakes up in the morning and says, "I'm going to wholly subscribe to a religion where the three major holidays celebrate a dude, dude writing the book I have to read, and Auditors"? Auditors?
FYI JP, the Auditors they are referring to are not associated with the Internal Revenue Service. As I learned from watching the AMAZING show "Nip/Tuck", Scientology newbies have to undergo some sort of psychic examination called an "audit" to figure out how dirty their soul is, or how many alien thetans are in their body, or some such rubbish. They do these audits frequently thereafter to measure their progress toward...well, whatever it is they are working toward. I have no 'effing idea.
Thanks for clarifying Clarince T. I never would've guessed that by 'Auditor' they meant some breed of Soul Auditor.
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