First, it was "someone got caught fighting dogs on Michael Vick's land," then, "Michael Vick had the house for awhile and it was his family, he probably knew about it," to "Michael Vick was a dog-fighting ringleader nicknamed 'Oogie' who was a big name in the circuit," and finishing immercifully with "Michael Vick is no longer an NFL QB, he's going to jail on felony charges." If JP had half the athleticism of Michael Vick, he'd be out kicking ass. Human ass.

Lindsay Lohan just got out of rehab like a week ago and has already been busted for driving drunk with cocaine. It isn't like JP can't understand wanting a little sauce to take the edge off the day or anything; I just can't understand why she wastes so much time in rehab when obviously all she wants to do is go out and get blown. JP gives the drunken driving with coke mixed reviews, and the rehab stays two thumbs down.
Which of these celebrities wastes the most bandwidth? Find out next time on You're a Dumbass!
I vote for L.Lo as the biggest dumbass. For so many reasons. But mostly because she could just hire a freakin' driver and avoid this whole mess.
That and she just plain sucks.
Gah, it's a tough call. Yesterday I would have said Vick, because Lindsay obviously has some uncontrollable addictions and Vick is just being mean.
Now Lindsay says she's "innocent" because the "cocaine wasn't hers." Her lawyer hates his job.
It's a toss-up, really.
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