
Gluten-haters of the world untie!

A gluten allergy seems like a nasty affliction. One of JP's good buddies, Captain Statute, suffers from glutenosis, and, most notably, it means he can't drink regular beer. He always ends up with this New Grist crap that tastes like butt and costs too much.

Luckily, the New York Times is on the case. Today's online edition has an article celebrating gluten-free food. Since Mr. Statute happens to be from the Big (non-wheat) Apple, he would probably be able to make use of this article.

Of course, this assumes that he (1) has ever read this blog before and (2) that, once starting, he hasn't to this point been convinced that reading any more is a total waste of his time and cerebral resources. Both are borderline impossible.

1 comment:

Kimbersmith said...

Poor Captain Statute. That does come really close to a fate worse than death.